Monday, July 7, 2008

Sins of the Past: Links On A Page

I thought I'd start off with something so amazingly basic that nobody should ever need to know how to use it. How to place links in a page for a more streamlined navigational experience. I know this is retarded basic, but you'd be shocked how quickly we'd sink back into 1998 Geocities-like pages if we aren't constantly reminded of such horrors that we've produced. Including those insufferable Myspace pages, but thank god they're at least somewhat restrictive. But, enough with that, on to the article...

1.) Click here to download it.
2.) Click here to download it.
3.) Click here to download it.

The pure reasoning behind this is pretty obvious, the link becomes progressively more visible to the user in question. Expanding from a single in-line word to the first two is a dramatic increase in visibility. However, making the entire sentence clickable for the action actually makes it stand out that much more. However, we will go over each one now and discuss why this can be an advantage or a disadvantage to a link.

Click <a href="#">here</a> to download it.

This first example is horrible for what the link is presenting itself to accomplish. However, in-line links can be rather valuable when referencing another article in a series or one that's related heavily. The most major example is Wikipedia. And they even brought it into the greatest glory where only the first instance of the referenced item is linked. Though, this is MUCH better than a sub-menu or such a thing for a page.

Pros: Extra Navigation -- Pseudo-Extra Content
Cons: Balance is key, too much of this good thing can ruin a page quickly.

<a href="#">Click here</a> to download it.

The second example is no better for the purpose, because <a href="#">Download</a> could've just as easily have been used in it's place. Cutting the number of words from 5 to 1 and the number of characters in at least half. Although, this only works if you have a succession of items; such as in a navigational menu. This can be seen all over the place since it scales so well. ( is the granddaddy of this linking scheme IMO.)

Pros: Menus -- Successive Items
Cons: Placement Restrictiveness

<a href="">Click here to download it.</a>

Lastly, we have an entire sentence linked to an item. The advantage of this variation is when a download, redirect, or something else that should happen automatically doesn't and you want the link to grab the user's attention.

"If your browser doesn't automatically redirect you. Click here for the correct page." acceptable.

...Or something of the like. Suggested for something that'll 99.99% want all eyes upon itself. Best to save it for special occasions where normal descriptiveness won't do.

Pros: Menus -- Grabs Eyeballs
Cons: Grabs Eyeballs

Summary For The Lazy: Don't make a link stand out more or less than is absolutely necessary. This applies to every character of it's formatting. (Use the <blink> tag on a page, I'll hunt you down and cut you.) And always make the link relevant to the immediate content.

Edit: I may actually so a slightly more in-depth version of this post as the Sins of the Past series is meant mainly to be a joke and inspiration it would seem.

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